He raised the axe and hold it poised above Raistlin’s neck. and as the axe fell, Raistlin save in his last moments a glimpse of his executioner’s face....
There was a familiar glint in his twin’s eyes, a glint that brought back a rush of memories of old days, times long past--fighting together, combining steel and magic.
“you...you can guess what...what they plan for Crysania?”
Raistlin had a sudden vision of that hulking, ogre-ish human’s rough hands upon Crysania, and he felt a startling sensation--rage and anger such as he had rarely experienced gripped him.
His heart contracted painfully and, for a moment, he was blinded by a blood-dimmed haze.
“If I fail--“
--I’ll kill her first, then myself,
The silver dagger was cold against his arm. He flexed the muscles that would release the thong. And, all the while, he pondered that strange reaction he’d felt about a woman he cared nothing for...except her usefulness to him as a cleric, of course.
「好きでもない」の「好き」は”care for”でした。好む、欲しい、気にかける。
どこかで似たようなcareの用法があったと思ったんですが、こちらは”care about”でした。”those I care about”=「ぼくが気にかけている人たち」
“Is this how you show your bravely? Beating up woman?” Caramon sneered. “Untie me and give me my sword, and we’ll see what kind of man you really are!”
「それでおまえの力を誇示しているつもりか? 婦人を殴りつけることで?」キャラモンはせせら笑った。「縄をといて剣を返せ。そうすりゃ、おまえが本当はどういう人間か、みな知ることになるだろうぜ!」
Well, he had no one to pray to, nothing to help him but his own muscle and bone and sinew.
The men standing around cheered and applauded. As the sound brought back vivid memories of the arena at Istar, Caramon felt his blood race.
Worries about black-robed brothers and white-robed clerics vanished. So did thoughts of home. The self-doubts disappeared.
The thrill of fighting, the intoxicating drag of danger, coursed through his veins, filling him with an ecstasy much like twin felt using his magic.
“intoxicating” という言葉を以前どこかで取り上げた気がするんですが思い出せません。全文検索かけてもヒットせず。ああ、もどかしい。とりあえず、双子のそっくりなところまた発見です。これはキティアラ姉様にも言えるかもしれませんね。挑戦そのものが、かれらを危うい挑戦に駆り立てる麻薬なのです。
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