

“It is not a bad system,”
“Certainly better than a thousand men killing each other on the fields of battle. Here, if one nobleman feels offended by another, their feud is hanled secretly, in private, to the satisfaction of all.”


“The difference is I had a choice!”
“And I knew the cause I fought for! I never would have fought for anyone I didn’t believe was in the right! No matter how much money they paid me! My brother felt the same. He and I--“

「それにおれは、自分が何のために戦ってたか、ちゃんとわかってた! 正しいと思えない人間のために戦ったことはなかったぞ! どれほど大金をもらえるかには関係なくな! 弟も同じだった。弟とおれは――」

A man deserved a choice, to choice his own way to live, his own way to die. No one else had the right to determine that for him.


And then, in the predawn, a crushing weight seemed to fall on Caramon. He sat up, leaning on one elbow, staring unseeing into gray cell.


If that was true, if every man deserved a choice, then what about his brother? Raistlin had made his choice--to walk the ways of night instead of day. Did Caramon have the right to drag his brother from those paths?

 もしそれが本当なら、すべての人間に選択権があるというのなら、それなら弟にはどうだったのだ? レイストリンは自分自身の選択をしたのだ――日の光の中ではなく夜の径を歩むという選択を。その弟をそうした道から引きずり出そうという権利が、はたしてキャラモンにあるのだろうか?

His mind went back to those days he had unwittingly recalled when talking to Kiiri and Pharagas--those days rightbefore the Test, those days that had been the happiest in his life--the days of mercenary work with his brother.


The two fought well together, and they were always welcomed by nobles. Though warriors were common as leaves in the trees, magic-users who could and would join the fighting were another thing altogether.


But they always selected the cause they fought for with care.
“That was Raist’s doing,” Caramon whispered to himself wistfully.


“I would have fought for anyone, tha cause mattered little to me. But Raistlin insisted that the cause had to be a just one. We walked away from more than one job because he said it involved a strong man trying to grow stronger by devouring others….”


“But that’s what Raistlin’s doing!”


“What should I do?”




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