

“End it!” screamed Par-Salian. “End this torment! Do not force me to endure more!"

「やめてくれ!」パー=サリアンは絶叫した。「この拷問をやめてくれ! これ以上わしに忍耐を強いるな!」

How much did you force me to endure, O Great One of the White Robes? came a soft, sneering voice into Par-Salian’s mind. The wizard writhed in agony, but the voice persisted, relentless, flaying his soul like a scourge.


You brought me here and gave me up to him--Fistandantilus! You sat and watched as he wrenched the lifeforce from me, draining it so that he might live upon this plane.

『あんたはぼくをここに連れてきて、あいつに引き渡した――フィスタンダンティラスに! やつがこの次元界で生きるためにぼくの生命力をむしりとり涸渇させていくあいだ、あんたはただ座って見ていたんだ』

“It was you who made the bargain,” Par-Salian cried, his ancient voice carrying through the empty hallways of the Tower. “You could have refused him--“


And what? Died honorably? The voice laughed. What kind of choice is that? I wanted to live! To grew in my Art! And I did live. And you, in your bitterness, gave me these hourglass eyes--these eyes that saw nothing but death and decay all around me.

『それでどうなった?あっぱれに死んだっていうのか?』声は笑った。『それはどういう選択の余地だ? ぼくは生きたかった! ぼくの技をのばしたかった! そして実際、生きのびた。だがあんたはいやみたっぷりに、ぼくにこの砂時計の目を与えた――ぼくを取り巻くものすべてに死と崩壊しか見ることのできないこの目を』

Now, you look, Par-Salian! What do you see around you? Nothing but death....Death and decay...So we are even.

『いまこそ、いいか、パー=サリアン! あんたのまわりに何が見える? 死しかない……死と崩壊だけしか……これでぼくたちは対等になった』

You will watch me destroy him, Par-Salian, and when that battle is ended, when the constellation of the Platinum Dragon plummets from the sky, when Solinari’s light is extinguished, when you have seen and acknowledged the power of the Black Moon and paid homage to the new and only god--to me--then you will be released, Par-Salian, to find what solace you can in death!




“the more so as it will probably be the last thing I enjoy in this life.”

Astinus of Palanthas recorded the words as he had recorded Par-Salian’s scream, writing the crisp, black, bold letters in slow, unhurried style.


As you were first, Astinus, said the figure, so shall you be last.


“True, you will rule unchallenged. You will rule a dead world. A world your magic destroyed. You will rule alone. And you will be alone, alone in the formless, eternal void,”


“You saw the grief and sorrow of the god then as you see it now, Raistlin. And you knew then, as you know now but refuse to admit, that Paladine grieves, not for himself, but for you.”


“But you will find nothing but emptiness. And you will continue to exist forever within this emptiness--a tiny spot of nothing, sucking in everything around itself to feed your endless hunger....”


For the first time in his existence, compassion touched Astinus. His hand marking his place in his book, he half-rose from his seat, his other hand reaching into the Portal....


Then, laughter...eerie, mocking bitter laughter--laughter not at him, but at the one who laughed.


With a sigh, Astinus resumed his seat and, almost at the same instant, magical lightning flickered inside the Portal. It was answered by flaring, whole light--the final meeting of Paladine and the young man who had defeated the Queen of Darkness and taken her place.


Within a matter of moments, all was over. The white light flickered briefly, beautifully, for one instant. Then it died.


As of Fourthday, Fifthmonth, Year 358, the world ends.


A hand slammed down across the pages.
“No,” said a firm voice, “it will not end here.”


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